Use QIFWizard to improve your investment returns. The intuitive charts and graphs make it easy for you to understand how your investments are preforming. Chart your returns against indices such as Dow Jones and the S&P 500, compare each of your investments, see your Return on Investment (ROI) and rebalance your investments to maintain your desired asset allocation. QIFWizard can import all your investment accounts from Quicken and in just a few steps show graphs of returns and performance, comparing your accounts to indexes, other accounts, or individual securities. Or import data from your brokerage, a Google portfolio, or other financial sources. QIFWizard handles multiple accounts, and can group accounts into a single report. This is very useful when switching brokerages, QIFWizard spans both accounts. Or if you have multiple retirement accounts you can view them either individually, or as a group. You can also create multiple portfolios and compare, i.e. your personal investment accounts vs. your 401K. QIFWizard can either use price data from Quicken or update historical prices online. It will automatically classify your investments by type (Large Growth, China Stocks, etc.) and then group those classifications in basic asset classes (Stocks, Bonds, Foreign Stocks, Real Estate, etc.) QIFWizard reads Quicken QIF export files and can import all your Quicken account in a single step. QIFWizard Immediately generates the account holding summary and asset allocation pie chart. Review investment transactions in a single display that is easier to understand than Quicken investment transaction reports. QIFWizard's advanced rebalancing calculator will not just show you the basic buys and sells, but highlights exactly how much each positions is out of balance, and what needs to change. You can also override the calculator to specify what changes ought to be ignored, and use price quotes to calculate how many shares to buy or sell.
Download and use it now: QIFWizard Pro